For over 20 years I have been a fan of the Howard Stern Show. Following the show wherever I could pick up a signal and when he moved to Sirius satellite radio I was the first in line to get a new one. Anyone who listens to the show on a regular basis gets it. Everyday you get to sit in with a group and have honest discussions about pop culture, news, politics, bowel movements, women or physical ailments. What you get is honest discussions and opinions that aren't held back. When his contract is up at the end of this year there is going to be a huge void in world of entertainment. The honesty that is on the show is null and void anywhere else. Every other show is fake people, acting fake and sugar coating every situation. No one says what they think and that is why they are so forgettable. Two things happened today in the Stern world the first being the Tiger Woods Mistress Beauty Pageant. The second being the backlash over the comments made about 26 year old Gabourey Sadibe.
Let's take care of Tiger first. It's amazing in this day and age not one reporter broke the story about Tiger and his fooling around. Every sports reporter acted shocked about the news. This is another show of fake news people lying to themselves and lying to the public. They all are afraid to speak the truth. Then the women get labeled and stereotyped all together. Today everyone got to learn a little bit more about Tiger and some of the girls he was involved with. Stern's master interviewing skills brought out the human element in each of these ladies that no other interviewer would dare to compare.
Now let's discuss the Precious comments that seem to upset so many. I will agree that the comments were somewhat harsh, but if you are familiar with the show you would understand that you are sitting in on honest conversation. Why isn't blame placed on the lazy reporters who can't do their own investigating have to take something said on the Stern show and offer it up as news. People are only upset because making comments of overweight people isn't acceptable. Is someone acts crazy and obviously needs help the world feels free to talk openly about such and such acting weird or crazy. For example Gary Busey or Joaquin Phoenix. If someone needs help and has a problem mentally people will speak up. But a topic such as weight is unacceptable.
The USA is plagued with obesity problems and a food industry that is poisoning our society. Diabetes, food allergies, cancer are due to the food that we eat. When asked what she was doing after the awards Gabourey said she was going to get something to eat at Chic-fil-A. If we ignore the problem and fail to state the obvious what will the media say when she drops dead with a big chicken nugget in her heart.
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