In my bedroom I have a big digital clock which is set 10 minutes fast. This is the situation that prompted me to write about this concept of time. Knowing that the clock is ten minutes ahead of schedule, when my kids get me up at 6:00 am which isn't that bad even though it is still dark outside, I become angered inside realizing that it really isn't 6:00 am, but it's 5:50 am. This is way too early to get up. I think I would be happier having the clock set at the right time. Or if you do advance your clock, pick a number that you can't remember like 3 minutes or 7 minutes. Then you know it is fast, but not really sure by how much. Does anyone ever set their clocks to run slow? What would be the purpose to have your clocks running slow? What benefit would this offer? I guess if you are a procrastinator it would get you going in a real hurry. For one thing you would be late to begin with, but now you know you are really behind because your clock is slow.
Day Light Savings or Wasting Time
When you are single or don't have kids daylight savings time is great in the Fall and not so great in the Spring. In the fall you get that extra hour of sleep, because the clocks move backwards. In the Spring we spring ahead and lose an our.
When you have kids this all changes and the circumstances are reversed. Kids get you up early in the morning. So in the fall when they wake you up at 6:00 am it is now 5:00 am. This is murder. In the Spring when they get you up at 6:00 am it is 7:00 am.
Some might argue you are losing quality time with your children, and I will argue the only thing you are losing is sleep.
Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.
Benjamin Franklin
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