Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Dog Named Profit (Nov. 29th, 2005)

Profit 1995 - 2005

The winter of 1995-1996 was the worst time of my career in the brick paving business.  The winter was rough if you remember from all the ice storms and snow that would not stop.  I just could not catch a break.  I was having problems with my current supplier while I was in the middle of one of the largest projects of my company's history.  Everywhere I turned it seemed I could not find solace.  Just when I thought we would make progress it would snow again or the temperature would drop and everything would freeze.  I know there are more important things in life than money, but at this time I was in desperate need of a profit. 
So on January 27, 1996 myself and my good friend Tony ventured out to Purcellville Virginia in search of a Profit.  At around 11:00 am we arrived at a horse farm that had an ad in the paper for Jack Russell Terriers for sale.  When we arrived the owners took us out to a barn where in a little bin there where 3 little pups that could fit into the palm of your hand, resting in a nest of hay.  Originally there were six from the litter but they were going fast so I had three to choose from.  I had done my research on the breed and knew not to pick the most aggressive one or the most timid.  Taking that advice I picked the one that was in the middle.  He was a smooth coat tri-colored (black, white and brown) Jack Russell.  Considering my situation of being in dire need of a profit I handed the lady $350 cash and named the little pup Profit.
We made a makeshift bed in the back seat with some blankets and a grey storage bin that I brought with us and started our journey home.  The temperature had risen considerably as noon approached, and this created problems.  The snow began to melt and many of the roads where closed.  We tried back roads and alternative routes but since we were in the mountains we eventually would hit a flooded valley at every turn we made.  After some time we made our way to the main highway and headed home in the pouring rain.
Finally we made it home and Profit and I began our new life together.  Everyday we practiced catching the frisbee and learning new tricks.  I took him everywhere with me, Ocean City, appointments, DC chilifest, you name we were there.  Most Jack Russell's are extremely out of control, but Profit was not your typical Jack Russell.  He was obedient, loving, caring, adventurous and playful.  You could walk him without a leash and he would run and run and run but would never lose sight of you, and would always come back when called.  When left at home he would always be at the door waiting for me to come home.  Profit loved to swim and would body surf the waves.  Profit at a given notice was ready to play, but more than that Profit loved people.  I remember walking down the boardwalk in Ocean City and everyone would come up to pet him.  Rough and rugged Harley Bikers would come up and say that was the coolest dog they had ever seen.  It is endless the reactions I would get from people from all walks of life about my little dog.
About a year and a half ago Profit had some problems and the vet had to remove his spleen.  He recovered quickly and it seemed everything was back to normal.  Then about a year late Profit went in for more surgery and this time 50% of his liver had to be removed.  Quickly he recovered and was back to normal.  Then this morning I noticed he was not right, so I rushed him to the vet again.  After pumping him full of fluids, steroids, and antibiotics we thought he was going to be fine.  Then he began to get worse so the vet performed an emergeny blood transfusion.  We prayed all day that this would do the trick.  Our prayers were not answered and at 5:30 pm Profit went into surgery again and it was discovered that he had pancreatic cancer and the rest of his liver had been infected.  The vet gave him a final kiss and he was put to sleep.
Tomorrow will be six months to the day when I lost my other dog Gizmo.  Profit was Gizmos eyes when he couldn't see.  Profit was my motivator when I needed exercise by forcing me to take him for long walks.  He was a friend for anyone who needed one.  He would entertain you when you just needed to laugh.  He helped me through the hard times when I needed more than a Profit I needed hope. 
I will miss him more than words can say.  He will always be in my heart and I will never forget him.
For those of you who knew Profit I know he touched you in some way.  I just wanted you to know that he is now with Gizmo once again playing and having fun doing what dogs do looking over us all.

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